Yesterday we had the privilege of meeting a wonderful couple! George and Mim Cook grew up in India as the children of missionaries. They met and married in the US, and never returned to India, but they have incredible memories of people and places. My family has known the Cooks for many years. My mom and uncle attended Bethany Bible College in California with their two sons, and one of their sons is currently on the pastoral staff at my parents' church. When talking with their son earlier this year, my parents found out that George Cook had attended Hebron School throughout his growing up years!
We had a wonderful time getting acquainted with George and Mim yesterday, and loved hearing them speak and sing in several different Indian languages. They shared with us a book about Hebron School that they received a couple of years ago. On one page there was a picture and a story about George as a young boy, and on another page was a picture of the apartment we are going to be moving into in a few weeks!
Mim shared her memories of traveling to India via boat, and about going to the Taj Mahal by moonlight as a young girl. It was really exciting to make such a connection with peple who love India!