Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Final Piano Recital

This week has been filled with many "lasts". Tonight was Lauren's final piano recital. She has had a wonderful teacher this year who has been energetic and encouraging (two things that really motivate Lauren). Lauren was awarded with five certificates and a ribbon for her many achievements this year. Way to go, Lauren!


Amanda said...

Those lasts were hard for me, just moving 3 hours away! I pray for you, and especially your girls in the midst of this move! God brings you, and them, to mind often. Your house looks great!

Heather said...

Yay, Miss Lauren! You are such a talented young lady. :)

Jennifer said...

Hey, it's me Jen (or Mrs. Sanders!) I am so proud of Lauren and her piano playing!!!

when do you go to India? Solomon misses Brenna and wants to see her before you leave.

I have my own blog now so check it out!