Sunday, May 18, 2008


Brenna has been in ballet this year, and has loved every minute of it (almost). Her class has been on Wednesday afternoon, and on more than one occasion she has said on the way to class that she hates it and doesn't want to go. However, she has never gone home hating ballet! This is due, in part, to her wonderful teacher, Miss Annie.
Today, Brenna has two ballet recitals. Ryan, Lauren, and Grammy Smith are going to the matinee performance, I will go this evening, and Addie is not invited (okay, so that's only partially true... she was invited but none of us want to take her).
I took some video footage at the dress rehearsal last night, and I'll post it as soon as I figure out how to get it rotated. Because as everyone knows, a ballerina must be photographed vertically!


Heather said...

Hi Ketchums! How fun to learn a little more about you guys. :) I hope you won't mind me peeking in now and then. I love you guys to pieces... especially those beautiful Ketchum girls.

Jennifer said...

And Brenna! What a dancer! :)